Wednesday, January 20, 2010

Don't Be So Negative...

Well, when I started this site it was with the intention of letting other people have their say about things that 'bugged' them, but it doesn't seem to be turning out that way. It seems friends who have visited here like reading my rants, so...
This posting has to do with not respecting someone else' talent. A few days ago I was answering questions on Yahoo Answers and I came across an earnest, sincere plea from a young lady who wanted peoples honest opinions of her singing ability. I clicked the link to her Youtube channel, and heard a very nice voice singing a country song. I posted to her comments column under the video that I thought she had a lot of talent and a very good voice. The next day, I got a message in my e-mail from a girl who disagreed with me, but in a very rude way. I went back to the message column, for that video, and told that person that I felt I knew what I was saying as I was once a minor local celebrity, as a singer, some years ago. I also said that I had had my '15 minutes of fame' and that she should let the singer in the video have hers. Then, that rude person said she was a singer now, and signed autographs everyday. The thing is she didn't make her reply nicely, but was yelling. So, I went back in and told her that when people belittled others with talent it was often because they were afraid of the competition. I then told her she ought to upload some videos of herself, singing, to youtube, and then the commenters could decide whether her opinions carried any weight. She became even angrier, if possible, and yelled JERK at me, saying I should upload some videos of myself singing. I then told her she should move away from her mirror; then she might be able to see someone besides herself. And, after noting her terrible grammar, I asked her if she was sure she could sing, and that it seemed to me she couldn't even put together a coherent sentence. I haven't received a reply to this last comment, as yet, but I have a feeling I may not. I know my behavior in this instance may seem rude to some, but that other person had no call to be rude in the first place. I don't see why people can't criticize others, if they must, in a constructive way. If I had felt the girl in the video could not sing that well, I would have simply told her that perhaps her singing needed some work. If I felt she couldn't really sing at all, I would have voiced that opinion, too, but in as kindly a way as possible. I don't see any reason for hurting others' feelings just because we don't like what they are able to do. Some of the other commenters agreed with me, that the singer has real talent. And, the singer, herself, actually sent me a message voicing her appreciation for what I did. I told her to hang in there and not to let any negative people keep her from achieving her dream. I also told her she had a talent, and to take it from there. I hope she will at least consider my advice. Her voice is one worth developing to its fullest potential. My best to her for the future. Anna

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