Wednesday, December 23, 2009

Did I Miss Something???

I said, in my last posting, that I would not be posting my rants here all the time, but I am posting them once in a while. Today I ran across the most ridiculous thing I have read in a long time. Don't get me wrong; I don't tend to believe everything I read. But, when the comments come directly from the individual, and not as second-hand information, then I feel I can take it at face value. The topic was Satan worshipers, but the person who made the comments was Islamic.??? And that person accused the Jews of being devil-worshipers??? Did I miss something? Aren't Jewish people supposed to be God's chosen people? I know I read that in the Bible when I was growing up. If that is the case, why would they worship Satan??? Didn't Jesus Christ say: "A house divided against itself can not stand" when the Pharasees accused him of having a devil, himself, and he asked them: "Can Satan cast out Satan?" This is not a sermon. I am only using these references from Biblical scripture to illustrate my point. I can not see downing any religious beliefs just to make myself or my beliefs look good, or seem more appealing. That is wrong, in any case. I have no beef with Islamic peoples as long as they respect other beliefs. What bothers me is, that person has found a whole group of  'friends' who believe the same things that he or she does. I know that is not completely unusual in this wide world. What is unusual is finding them on a very popular internet site. A place where I had encountered a certain amount of bigotry, but never on so large a scale. Scary thought, that. The poster was pointing fingers at a variety of famous people, and denouncing them all as Devil worshipers. All because of a particular, common gesture they all used. (Not a middle finger, by the way.) I found the whole business to be ludicrous. I  actually know the true origin of the aforementioned gesture. It originated with the Romani Gypsies, and was not considered in the least Satanic, but was, in fact,  used to ward off evil. Reactionary groups, of that sort, have existed throughout history; think Nazi Germany. They are always so certain they are right. Yet, these groups are usually short-lived. I wonder why? Don't you?

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